Tag Archives: Ten Questions

Ten Questions With Tania Baumhover

This week’s interview is with my wife, Tania. Tania’s the best person I’ve ever known. If it weren’t for her, I’m not sure I would have ever found someone who would be able to put up with me, much less be my soul mate. So, even though it might seem like a cop-out, there’s probably not another person whose opinion I’d rather have out there, for people to resonate with as they’re going through their own transition. Continue reading

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Ten Questions With Spencer Baker

A couple of weeks ago, I asked the Military In Transition Facebook Group whether it would be worthwhile to read articles based upon other peoples’ experiences. It seemed that the overwhelming response was in line with my thinking. After talking with a lot of people about their retirement story, I realized that each conversation gave me a little bit of perspective about my own story. This inspired me to start an article series to share the stories of some of the people I’ve talked with. I hope that reading these stories puts a little bit of perspective into your life as you write your own transition story. Continue reading

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