Tag Archives: Back to Basics

Back to Basics – How Much Money Should I Have In My Emergency Fund?

When dealing with money, the most important question is: “How much money do I need to deal with unexpected emergencies?” If you can honestly answer this question and put this amount of money aside to address issues that come up, then the rest of your money should be put to work in low cost, tax-advantaged investments that will grow over time. Continue reading

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Back to Basics – Predatory Lending

This is the next article in my ‘Back to Basics’ series. You can read my first article, on compounding interest, here. This article is meant for everyone. If you’re a junior enlisted person or junior officer, please share this with a friend. If you’re a leader of junior troops, feel free to use this article as a set of talking points for your one-on-one sessions. The focus of this article is to protect our junior personnel, many of whom may still be trying to get a handle on the responsibilities that military life hands them after high school or college. Continue reading

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Back to Basics – Compounding Interest

I was talking with Ryan Guina, from the Military Wallet and Cash Money Life, and asked him for advice on writing Military in Transition. He told me, “Forrest, you have a lot of detailed articles, but some folks need to know more about the basics of finance. You should write some posts on things like compounding interest, and other basic financial principles.” With that, Back to Basics was born (thanks Ryan!). Every once in a while, I will try to write an article that speaks to a basic concept in financial planning. So, with that said, below is my first piece on compounding interest (thanks again Ryan!) Continue reading

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