Category Archives: military transition

Three Things to Consider About the Thrift Savings Plan

TSP has the lowest investment costs of any investment vehicle out there. Take a look at Vanguard. Vanguard is generally regarded as the mutual fund industry’s low-cost leader due to its quantities of scale. When compared to their Vanguard counterparts TSP index funds are a fraction of even those. Let’s compare a $1,000 investment in the Vanguard S&P 500 Index Fund (.17% expense ratio) to the TSP C Fund (.029% expense ratio). That means for a $1,000 investment, Vanguard will charge $1.70 per year, while TSP charges 29 cents! By the way, in the mutual fund industry, an annual expense ratio below 1% is generally all right. However, index-tracking funds such as these should be below .5%, so you can see that Vanguard & TSP are both well below the industry standard. But TSP is better. Continue reading

Posted in financial planning, military financial planning, military transition, military tsp, thrift savings plan, tsp, westchase financial planning | Leave a comment

Retirement Journal (Initial Entry)

One of the things I wanted to do with this blog is to chronicle the transition from my military career to my new civilian career as a fee-only financial planner in the Tampa Bay area.  One of my 2016 New … Continue reading

Posted in military financial planning, military pension, military retirement, military transition, retirement, retirement planning, transition, westchase financial planning | Leave a comment

Forrest Baumhover Introduction

Hi.  I’m Forrest Baumhover, and I’m a transitioning military member.  My family and I have decided to retire to the Tampa Bay area, wrapping up a 24 year Navy career at the end of my tour at MacDill Air Force … Continue reading

Posted in financial planning, first command, military, military financial planning, military transition, retirement, westchase financial planning | Leave a comment