About Forrest Baumhover

I’m Forrest Baumhover, and I’m a military veteran.  My wife, Tania and I have experienced quite a bit in our careers.  Deployments, relocations, children, overseas assignments…we’ve done quite a bit of it.

I’m also a fee-only financial planner with Westchase Financial Planning.  My passion for financial planning was brought out when I was a young officer helping my Sailors pay their bills.  Although financial planning went on the back burner while I continued to serve the Navy, the passion never left.  Now I’m in a position to help other people learn more about their relationship with their money.

By knowing how money impacts your life, you can take the necessary steps to address your concerns and reach your financial goals so that you can enjoy the best things in life.  Feel free to go to my firm’s website or email me if you want to know more about how I might be able to help you.