Monthly Archives: March 2016

Taking Terminal Leave vs. Selling Back Your Leave

There are any number of articles out in the web-space about whether you should take terminal leave upon retirement or separation, vice selling back your unused leave. Ryan Guina’s Cash Money Life article is a very good primer on why this should be considered on a case-by-case basis, and why each decision on whether to take terminal leave is a personal one. Continue reading

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Weekend Wrap-up: Military Personal Finance Articles You Should Read (2/26-3/3)

Enjoy this edition of “Military Personal Finance Articles You Should Read.” This blog entry only serves to summarize some of the previous week’s best personal finance articles, blog posts, and other content from a variety of sources so that you … Continue reading

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Back to Basics – Predatory Lending

This is the next article in my ‘Back to Basics’ series. You can read my first article, on compounding interest, here. This article is meant for everyone. If you’re a junior enlisted person or junior officer, please share this with a friend. If you’re a leader of junior troops, feel free to use this article as a set of talking points for your one-on-one sessions. The focus of this article is to protect our junior personnel, many of whom may still be trying to get a handle on the responsibilities that military life hands them after high school or college. Continue reading

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Military In Transition Facebook Group

Hi!  Just a quick note to let the audience know that I’ve created a Military in Transition Facebook Group ( The purpose of this group is to serve as a resource for servicemembers and their families who are looking to … Continue reading

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