Three Tax Considerations When Selling Your Rental Property in the Military

When you make the decision to sell your home, it can be for any number of reasons: relocation, buying a bigger home, downsizing, or because it makes financial sense to do so. In fact, I previously wrote an article about this here. However, there are times in your military career where you just can’t sell your home as soon as you leave it: you’re underwater, you might move back into it later on, it’s got potential to make a lot of money as a rental, or timing issues. From the moment you have a tenant move into your house, it’s no longer your home…it’s a rental property.   Whatever the reason for selling your home, let’s take a look at three tax considerations you should take into account:

Your realized gain

When selling any real estate, the IRS definition of realized gain takes into account a lot of things you may not have thought about. According to the IRS, the basic formula for calculating your realized gain is: selling price – selling expenses – adjusted basis. This means you need to calculate two things: selling expenses & basis. Proper calculation of selling expenses & basis could mean a difference of thousands of dollars in tax liability.

Selling expenses include any seller’s closing costs, real estate commissions, and any other related selling costs. You should comb through your closing documents to make sure you’ve properly accounted for all selling expenses. Do not include city & county property tax, but do include transfer taxes, if applicable.

Basis includes the original purchase price of your house, plus fees incurred during home closing, such as title insurance, legal & recording fees, or survey fees. Basis also includes the cost of any major improvements, renovations, or system replacements. The IRS makes a clear distinction between repairs that are a normal part of keeping a home in good condition (such as repairing leaks), and an improvement (such as replacing the plumbing system).

Below are two breakdown of my personal example. I sold a home last year, which had been a rental for the previous 8 years. Since I couldn’t put the actual numbers into the charts, they’re summarized below:

Purchase price: $160,000

Closing costs:        $3,000

Improvements:    $10,000

Commissions:     $10,500

Depreciation:         $6,000

Sales Price:          $210,000

Below, Example 1 shows the home’s adjusted basis (in blue) and adjustments in sales price. This includes closing costs, fees, and improvements. The taxable items, recaptured depreciation & profit (addressed separately below), are in red. Example 2 shows the home’s basis without these adjustments.

Example 1Home Sale (with adjustments)



Example 2

Home Sale (without adjustments)

So what the point?

As you can see, the adjustments account for over 10% of the selling price of the home ($23,500), which can affect your tax liability. If you properly adjust your basis (as shown in Example 1), you can legally avoid paying taxes on those items. However, many people forget this, and their tax situation looks a lot like Example 2, which in this case would mean recognizing an additional $23,500 in income. Avoid looking like Example 2. Take the time to figure out your costs and save that money.

For a more comprehensive list of what can & cannot be included in selling expenses or basis calculation, you can refer to the IRS Publication 523, ‘Selling Your Home,’ which is user-friendly and available online.

Section 121

Under Section 121, the IRS allows a taxpayer to exclude the first $250,000 of capital gain ($500,000 for married couples filing jointly) on the sale of their primary residence if they meet certain ownership and use requirements. However, here are the requirements:

  • Ownership requirement: You owned the home for at least 24 months of the 5 years leading up to the sale
  • Use requirement: If the home was your primary residence for at least 730 days of the previous 5 years
  • If you’re married filing jointly, you must each meet the use requirement, even if only one person meets the ownership requirement to qualify for the $500,000 exclusion.
  • If you’re not married, but selling the house with someone else, you may each take the $250,000 exclusion as long as each of you meets the use requirement, and at least one of you meets the ownership requirement.

Even if you do not meet the requirements for a full exclusion, the IRS allows partial exclusions if you sell the home due to work or health related moves, or due to unforeseeable events such as death, divorce, natural disaster, unemployment, or other qualifying reasons. IRS Publication 523 contains more details.

In the military, there is a special exception that allows you to defer the 5 year requirement for up to 10 years (known as ‘stop the clock’ exception), if you are on qualified extended duty. Qualified extended duty includes the following:

  • You are called or ordered to active duty for an indefinite period, or a definite period of more than 90 days
  • You are serving at a duty station at least 50 miles from your main home, or you are living in Government quarters under Government orders.
  • You are a member of the armed forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard)

Using the Stop the Clock exceptions means that you would be able to combine the 5-year test period and the 10-year suspension period for a total of up to 15 years. You can only suspend the 5-year period for one property at a time, so keep this in mind if you have multiple properties.

You will pay capital gains on any income above and beyond the Section 121 exclusion, but assuming you hold onto this property for more than 1 year, that income will be taxed at long-term capital gains rates, which are much more favorable than ordinary income rates.


The last discussion item, and probably the most important one, is depreciation. From the time you convert your home to a rental property, you are eligible to depreciate this property (not land, building & improvements only) over its useful life. The IRS considers the useful life for residential real estate put into service after 1986 to be 27 ½ years, which you would depreciate on a straight-line basis. This means you can take an equal amount of depreciation each year until your basis goes to zero. This depreciation is eligible as a tax deduction on Schedule E of your tax return.

Conversely, when you go to sell this property, you must ‘recapture’ this depreciation, also known as Section 1250 depreciation recapture. Assuming you depreciated the property on a straight-line basis, Section 1250 recaptured depreciation is taxed at a flat 25% capital gains rate. Any accelerated depreciation may be taxed at your ordinary income tax rate.

Why point this out? If you rent out your property for 10 years, then decide to sell it, you may end up with a big tax bill, which the IRS will probably double check once you file the sale of your home on Schedule D of your tax return. If the IRS sees that you did not properly recapture your depreciation, they may come after you for the difference. Let’s break down an example of how this may play out.

You buy a house in year 5 of your career, for $100,000. You live in it for 5 years, but move out & rent it until you reach 20 years & decide to sell it for $250,000. Great. You get to exclude your $150,000 profit. However, let’s assume that you took $30,000 in depreciation over that 10 years. That means you will probably owe $7,500 in taxes based upon the recaptured depreciation. Unless you decide to pursue a 1031 exchange (a completely different discussion), there’s no way out of this unless you decide not to sell the property.

If you have other plans for your profit (like wisely investing in a diversified portfolio of index funds), you might not have the cash available when it comes time to pay the tax bill. It’s best to recognize this, budget the estimated tax for that year, and move on.

If you forgot to (or chose not to) depreciate this property, there are a couple of things to do.  However, it does become tricky, burdensome, and is not within the scope of this article.  You should definitely seek the advice of a tax professional–this is not TurboTax territory.  I’ll outline a personal story of mine in a future article, specifically how I underdepreciated my rental property for many years, ended up facing a huge bill, and how my tax preparer (an enrolled agent, permitted to practice before the IRS) and I addressed the issue.

This article is by no means an adequate substitution for unbiased advice, based upon the unique circumstances of your personal situation. Before you make any major decisions, you should sit down with a fee-only financial planner or tax professional in your area so that they can help you take into account all of the other factors that can affect your planning decision. Having a relationship with a trusted professional who can help account for life’s changes is the best way for you to put together a plan that achieves your retirement goals.

As always, this blog serves to answer your questions and address concerns.  If you like this blog, please forward it on to other people who may benefit.  If you have issues or concerns, or if you have a question you’d like me to answer, please feel free to contact me.  You can reach me through my website or through Military In Transition on Facebook.  In the meanwhile, take charge of your life!



About Forrest Baumhover

I'm a career naval officer, and a fee-only financial planner. Half-way through my career, I discovered that I had a passion for financial planning, and have pursued this as my second career. My specialty is working with military professionals who are looking to separate or retire from the service, and who feel they need some professional guidance to make sure they're on track.
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3 Responses to Three Tax Considerations When Selling Your Rental Property in the Military

  1. Michelle says:

    Interested in your follow up post re: personal story on under depreciating. Thanks for this good information!


  2. Pingback: Weekend Wrap-up: Military Personal Finance Articles You Should Read (3/11-3/18) | Military in Transition

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